Sunday, May 15, 2011

What a day!!!

Between the Thunder and my bike race this day was a crazy exhausting experience from the word go.
I was up bright and early headed off to Roman Nose State Park in Watonga for race #3 in the Oklahoma Mountain Bike Championship series. The weather upon arrival there was pretty chilly for May....43F. Registration took a little bit of time to get through and meant I had to hurry my warm up, which consisted of a 30 min ride on the roads at the park.

Getting ready for the race

Away we go...

9am came...and went and the race still hadn't started so my body was starting to cool down a bit. Eventually they got stuff sorted and we lined up. The start of this race is unique in the MTB world as it's a flat out drag race on the road for a little bit, then onto some jeep trail before finally hitting single track.

Getting instructions at the start line

I came into this race with an actual strategy and put some notes to my Coach in our training software that I was going to blow myself up trying to win this race.
I didn't get a great start and was sitting in 4th as we rounded the 1st bend in the road. My strategy was to be in the lead when we hit the single track or I wouldn't stand a chance. So I kicked it into high gear and motored to the front and led the race up the 1st hill. Next we crossed the little spillway over the dam and a guy attempted to pass me here, but again I was determined to be in the lead at all costs when we entered single track so I gunned it to get back out in front. This proved to be a very shrewd moved as I was 1st to the very steep hill into the single track. I got up the hill and behind me people were stopping as they couldn't make it up it, so I put some precious time on the pack.
I held a steady lead heading up the climbs and hoped everyone was suffering as much as I was.
Once at the top of the mesa's I used some training learned earlier in the week and was sprinting out of the corners to get up to speed fast.
As we flowed through the forest area, it was myself and 2 others and I decided that it was time to put some distance in, so again I hammered it on the steep switchback climb, followed by another steep loose rocky climb. Once at the top my strategy was no recovery, so I really pushed my limits.
All or nothing
The last major hill was coming up with the guy in 2nd about 20 secs behind me. I knew he was hurting bad as he wasn't making up any time on me. I also knew after this climb it was all downhill on some rocks to the finish and I could really pull away in those technical sections.
I gave it everything I had left on that last hill and blew up the 2nd place guy at that point. I absolutely flew down the last section, with the Niner's suspension and 29" wheels just floating over the rocks. I was in the big gear and there was no way I was going to be caught.
For good measure I sprinted to the finish.....where there was no one there to record the result or time!!! I rode around frantically trying to find the officials, who came running over stating "we didn't expect you to turn such a fast lap"!!!
Things got sorted out and I beat second by just over 1 min 30 secs, but the official recorded it as a 1 sec victory...cause he had no idea of the time. Turns out the 35 min lap I put in was the fastest in all of the Cat3's...including the young guns in the 19-29 age group.
Standing atop the podium!!!

All in all I was very pleased with my strategy actually paying off, and I was completely spent when it was all said and done. The win has given me a decent lead in the overall series now as we reach the halfway point more or less.

After the awards ceremony I hopped in the car and hauled to make it back to OKC to watch the Thunder beat the Grizzlies. I managed to yell myself horse and am completely exhausted....but an amazing day overall.

Next race is at Turkey Mountain in 2 weeks in Tulsa, but I'm still undecided if I'm going to race that one.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mellow Johnny's

This past weekend myself, Mark, Jeff and Tony headed to Austin, TX for the Mellow Johnny's classic. This is a race that is a part of the Pro XCT and also is a UCI event meaning the pro guys get points towards Olympic other words a lot of REALLY fast guys show up.
This would be my 1st race outside of Oklahoma and what an adventure it was......

Friday afternoon we packed up the bikes and headed out to pre-ride the course. We had to wait a little bit to get our racing numbers before hitting the dirt. Once that was complete, off we went. We did both loops, the Pro/UCI course and then the Cat1,2,3 loop that I'd be racing......both were technical, hilly and like nothing we have in Oklahoma. The whole point of doing a pre-ride is to see where on the course you can attack, what sections you can make time, where you need to be careful etc...etc. Conditions for the pre-ride were not and humid so I was pretty spent by the time we were done.

The famous Pave....from Paris-Robaix

Race Day
Race day arrived bright and early with a 6am alarm and headed out to Lance Armstrong's ranch for my race at 8:45am. When we pulled up to the gates, the place was already packed. We parked the car and I got my stuff together and headed out for a warm up. I was pretty sun burnt from the pre-ride the day before and my legs weren't very happy with me for riding again, however once I got the 30 min warm up done I felt much better. Did my usual pre-race routine of drinking a bottle of EFS and downing a gel before the start.
I headed over to the staging area and pushed my way towards the front, then they called us up by name and number. Luckily I got a spot on the 2nd row. While waiting on the rest of my group to get lined up the officials told us they had 9 more people enter the race for a total of 90 racers!!!!
At the start line I chatted to the guy next to me who came over from Australia for the race....then another guy who came over from England......turns out there would be quite a few sandbaggers in my group.
The whistle blew to start the race and I didn't get a great start being in the middle of the row. I was trying to be careful and not wreck instead of hammering it to get out front. By the time we hit the single track I was probably sitting about 12th overall. The front part of the course was pretty technical and it was here I started to pick people off.....going around them as they hoped off their bikes on the rocky sections. I'd made my way to 4th place as we went down into the bottom of the course and the guy in 3rd flatted and all of a sudden I was holding a podium spot!! These guys were flying and I was pushing myself really hard......on one section of downhill on the backside of the course we were hitting the turns and a little table top at 22mph....a little scary for me!!!

Super fast downhills...

Eventually we came to a point in the course about 4.5 miles in when my body had had enough......I'd pushed it too hard and the heat from the day before took its toll. My speed and output started dropping dramatically and the guys I'd picked off started passing me along with a bunch of others. I had nothing left in the tank and my goal was to spin it out for the remainder for the race.
I settled in with a couple of guys who I figure I could pace in with, when we came over the hill to climb the last big hill of the day.....there was a good crowd of spectators gathered there, which was pretty inspiring and somehow I found a second wind and attacked a couple of guys up that hill which was a really cool feeling.

About to attack on the hill

Giving it all I got on the hill about to pass that guy..

The last section pops you out of the trees and into an open section to the finish and Mark was there waiting and I knew he was about to get on me to sprint finish, so I hit the big ring and hammered it before he could yell. I managed to beat out 1 guy in the sprint in my category and catch the guy who finished 2nd in the 40-49 category.

Sprint finish

In the end I took 29th out of 90 riders from across the nation and a few from overseas. This was such a cool experience, course, race and I will definitely be back next year. I left came away knowing I totally spent myself and left everything on the race course.

Sat afternoon was the UCI/Pro event that Mark was racing in against some of the biggest names in the cycling world......these dudes show up to the start line wearing ice vests to keep cool!!!! Unfortunately Mark snapped his chain right off the start line and DNF'd. Below is the video I took of the start of their race......those guys are fasssssssst.

Next race is in 2 weeks at Roman Nose State Park which is another technical rocky course which suits me just fine.